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3 Common complaints when selling someone?

1. We don't have the budget

If you're getting to this point one of two things are happening:

1: you're talking to a prospect who is too low level to really have access to the budget. Usually, companies have budgets. But it's just a question of, is the person that you're speaking to, the right person who actually has access to this budget. so I want you to really think long and hard about, whether they're really the ideal person, to be talking to.

2: They have not seen enough value, in what it is you're solving, that would cause them to have the budget and to invest in your solution.

So let's break that down, if they don't see the value and the challenges that you've discussed, or it doesn't sound important enough or, your service is kind of topical but not critical, then, yeah! They probably don't have the budget.

So you really got to have those conversations, to get deep into, what they really care about. And solving big problems.

if you've got to this point and you feel like you've done a solid job up until then, and they say, “we don't have the budget” What you need to do is say, “I appreciate your telling me that, but can you help me understand, why you say that? Responding with a question you're much more likely to actually effectively overcome that and dig into that and regardless of what they say, you need to dig into that and keep that conversation going.

2. I'd like to think this over.

Now there are times when it's just reasonable to think it over. in that case, you need to schedule a clear next step. So, you want to make sure that there is a phone call or a meeting, a follow-up meeting in the schedule that's really coming out of this. in this particular objection there are two things to understand,

One is, you haven't done a strong enough job up until now for them to see the value.

But if you feel like there's been a strong conversation up until now and you're caught off guard. Again, the response as always is well, “I appreciate your telling me that. Help me understand why you're saying that. What you're going to be considering as you think through this decision” and you want to get into what are they really concerned about.

By the way, sometimes you can ask questions, like

“Is there something that you feel like I missed?” or

“Something that you feel like we're just not really solving as a result of what I've presented so far? “

By going into deep of these things, you will be able to actually understand that what is that you are missing and why they're not giving you the sale and Of course you can take that conversation into the track.

3. I need to run this by some other people.

This is our mistake. if you hear this and you weren't expecting to hear this, it means that you messed up, because, We should know this before we are ever presenting a solution. we should know that they were planning to run this by other people before we ever got into that presentation. And that's simply a mess on our part. Because we didn't dig into their decision-making process. During your discovery process, you may need to be understanding what their decision is making process.

Now before you hear this then you need to ask questions like, “Help me understand, what your decision-making process typically like for this kind of a decision. and digging into that and really understand who were those other people involved, so that way before you get into that presentation, if there are going to be some other people that should be involved in this conversation they're there for the presentation so that way you don't present to one person.

if you do hear this, then again the same responses,okay will help me understand who exactly do you intend to be talking about this with and help me understand what's the decision-making process really looks like from this point forward“.

In these ways, you can handle those objections in your meeting.

So, those are the 3 common complaints that you have when selling someone. So, until next time. Do good, be good and be in the beautiful path of business.



Hey I am Jawad,

the founder of Business Hammers. Efaz, who is my brother and the co-founder of the company. We are implementing a dream of helping the startup's owners to grow their business. So, we will try our best to give you the best of our service to make your business grow and to make it a bullion dollars company

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