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Ways to generate leads for your business

1. “Video marketing”

Videos all are already dominating the internet with our favorite way to consume content and with the YouTube as the second largest search engine in the world (behind Google).

So, chances are your potential customers already looking for content related to the products and services that you offer and if they watch few of your videos, chances are at one point they would want to call you for your services or your products. That's why I said that “for most businesses in 2019 video marketing is the best lead generation tool”.

Plus your videos are going to position you as the authority in your industry.

2. “Clarifying the message on your website”

Now no matter how great your videos all are if people watch your video then land on your website and your messaging is confusing, they're going to leave.

So, clarifying your message is super important for them to convert but the problem is… if your messaging on your website is confusing they're not going to stick around they're going to go and check out the competition and you don't want that. That's why you need to make sure that your website visitors will get these three things with.

1. How are you solving my problem?

2. How are you making my life better?

3. How do I get it? (Very Important!)

Now the reason why I say that number three is very important is because for the “vast majority” of websites that I see, the call to action of “how do I get it?” is, “More info”, “Get started”. I have no idea what that means, I don't want to get started with anything! So spend the time to clarify the message, so when a prospect lands on your website they're super clear of what they're going to get. How it's going to make their life better and how they can get it (phone number, form to fill out) but it's really super clear!

3. “SEO blog contact”

So what's SEO blog contact? It is a rich relevant amazing content that your demographic industry Niches and target audience is looking for and which is related to your industry.

You may have heard it a thousand times but it's just because, “it really works!” Getting your website to rank high on Google for your key words still depends in 2019, on amazing contact and the best way to get that done well is by having blogs. Great blogs on your website.

Now by blog what I mean is, I mean highly valuable content that you would be willing to read and more importantly, that the people reading it would be so amazed by the quality of the content that they would share it with their friends,

4. “Content distribution”

Now, if content is king, then distribution is queen because, just writing great content is simply not enough. You need to get it in front of the people that matters most to you. Your target audience!

That's why when you write “Great content” on your website you want to make sure that it reaches as many people as possible.

Three ways in which you can share it:

1. “Shared that blog on social media”

You can share it on “LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter all the channels that are appropriate for your business where your target audience is most likely hanging.

2. “Look for social media influencers”

Now look for the influencers who are In your industry, who would be willing to share your contact. You can simply reach out to them and a lot of them will share it for free, if they think that the content is valuable. Some may want a little bit of money in order to do that and have it as a sponsored post. But, influencer marketing something that you should start paying attention to.

3. “Spend a little bit of money promoting your content on the social media platforms”

If you have a blog that is actually doing well and starting to show some ranking possibilities then you might want to put in a few Bucks and put an ad on Facebook to reach as much larger demographic and drive traffic to your website with an amazing blog content.

And you don't have to spend a fortune twenty five Bucks a week or fifty Bucks or hundred Bucks a month that's going to be sufficient. Sometime to get a good and decent amount of traffic to your blog you don't have to spend a fortune

5. “Guest posting”

Guest posting is when you contact other blogs or publication and offer them to write content for them.

You'd be surprised at how many publications are actually actively looking for great content to put on their online version or printed version of their publications. Same goes with very popular blogs, they always looking for rich relevant content.

So it’s a great opportunity, if you're spending the time and energy to create great blogs to actually leverage it and reach out to down and just offer them to guest post on their publications and normally doing so may offer a link back from that publication back to your website, which is going to be amazing.

So, that' it for this blog, we brake this part in to two parts. So, you must check 2 part too.

Until next time be good, do good and be in the beautiful path of business.



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Hey I am Jawad,

the founder of Business Hammers. Efaz, who is my brother and the co-founder of the company. We are implementing a dream of helping the startup's owners to grow their business. So, we will try our best to give you the best of our service to make your business grow and to make it a bullion dollars company

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