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Creating a Facebook marketing strategies to grow your business

Facebook is simply the best marketing tool for your small business in 2020 and it doesn't matter what industry you're in, with 2.2 billion users, today chances are your customers are on Facebook in this blog I am going to layout for you the best Facebook marketing strategies for your small business in 2020 or in the next twelve months let's get started:

So before starting with the steps, I want to tell you what are the strategies of Facebook marketing. So here I go:

1. content creation

2.content marketing

3. retargeted lead capture

4. retargeting

5. closing the deal

So let's start with number one:

1. Content creation

Think about it for a minute, Facebook is a content consumption machine, that's really all it is. This is where you go and find interesting content, pictures, videos that's it.

Most people do not go to Facebook to sign up for something or buy your products. In fact, it actually gets on people's nerves, if you're trying to get them to buy your stuff too aggressively.

So what's the first step in content creation? Well creates something they want to see, maybe it's educational content, maybe it is entertaining content or maybe it is relevant to them to their industry. (think about it in terms of what's in it for them)

Whatever it is make sure it is relevant and worthy of their attention

2. Content marketing

Schering your content with friends, family members, influencers, your dog it's great, but 2020, it's just simply not enough and you also need to put money behind it and remember, in 2020, Facebook ads are relatively cheap. But before you start boosting your post there are few things that are really important that you need to know.

Firstly, if the content you are sharing on Facebook lives on a different platform, for example, your website, make sure to install the Facebook pixel and if you don't know what Facebook pixel is, it's basically a little line of code that tracks all the visitors that are going on your website that are now on Facebook.

(so in other words when they're on Facebook. Facebook will know that person what's on your website just a little while ago or a week ago or a month ago they just know it so make sure you have the Facebook pixel installed on your website)

The other thing you really need to know is the basics of Facebook advertising. I strongly suggest that you learn and read on how to create a Facebook marketing campaign.

Now Facebook as its own course called blueprint in which they teach you how to do Facebook marketing.

3. retargeted lead capture

Now you have created great content on your Facebook page, you have to learn how to create a campaign, you have installed the Facebook pixel and you have a couple of campaigns now running your ads on Facebook. what's next?

Getting back to people that have already consumed content on your Facebook page with something new.

According to marketing law, you must be in front of people at least seven times before people are ready to make a decision. So our job is to find people within our target audience who wants something we can offer.

4. retargeting

Now as you find the targetted audience, you have to capture the people that are consuming your content for different platforms, like an email or like a subscription or downloading a white paper. So that you can communicate with them on different platforms. Now, how you do it?

You do it by creating a retargeting campaigns something you're going to learn in the Facebook blueprint, that targets people that have already consumed your content.

Then the ad will try to capture your targeted audience, so you can communicate with them differently.

For example, you could ask your retargeted audience to join a Facebook group that you have created or sign up for a newsletter, perhaps calling you directly at your phone or asking for a free consultation.

You are now building a list of people that will overtime buy your products, this is called nurturing. during this nurturing stage, you should be focused on creating content that provides value to them in some way. Give them advice, give them useful tips. The main thing is to give them valuable content so that you can build up great trust with your audience.

5. closing the deal

Now, after you have done all this now comes the main part, The sales pitch. Personally, I like to use the ten to one ratio.

Provide value ten times at least to a prospect, before you ask them to buy. But most people do the opposite. They ask people ten times to buy and they only give them value once. That's the wrong way to do it. Provide value ten times, ask one time and when you make an offer, please make sure to use a sense of urgency. Tell them there is limited availability, make it time-sensitive or it could be "if they to come to your business they get a discounted rate for a limited amount of time" or give your products and services at a discounted rate, because they are following you on Facebook.

if they don't take the offer, well, you can simply retarget them by providing them another valuable piece of content and then ask again and make another offer.

Okay, so that was it for this blog, thanks for reading the whole blog(if you did 🙄).

This blog, I have taken from a youtube video.

If you like our blog then you can sign up for our website. You can follow us on Facebook and also on LinkedIn and Instagram. Do good be good and be in the beautiful path of business



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Hey I am Jawad,

the founder of Business Hammers. Efaz, who is my brother and the co-founder of the company. We are implementing a dream of helping the startup's owners to grow their business. So, we will try our best to give you the best of our service to make your business grow and to make it a bullion dollars company

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