Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting someone else's product or service.
So by you promoting someone else's product or service by using what is called an affiliate link (which is a link that you can get from a company a product or service) and if someone clicks on that link and if they go ahead and buy, you can earn a commission from that.
Now the way that it works is there are many different affiliate programs out there.
Most companies, most products, most services, they have what is called an affiliate program and the affiliate program is basically a program they have that give other people the ability to join for free and promote their products
Okay, so when you join an affiliate program, you'll get what is called an affiliate link, which is a special link and by that the company track to see which sales were produced by you who clicked on your link.
Okay, so with technology with affiliate links it's pretty accurate (it's about like 99% percent accurate, of course, there are some circumstances where things might be not be tracked perfectly). Now affiliate marketing is a great thing and the reason why it's so valuable to get started online is because you don't have to create a product. You know how to create a service you but don't have to be the expert you don't even have to really sell the product because basically what you're doing is you're sharing a product or service with people that you might know ( Like family members, friends, your list of subscribers and followers whatever might be), your sharing a product or service with them or you're endorsing something and when they click the link they're going to go, to the other person's website for the product or the service and that's going to sell. Now that's going to sell them on the product or service.
They already have everything done and they will do all the marketing for it. They have the customer support, they have the delivery of the product and so for you basically just get paid by sending traffic someone else's way by sending people
the affiliate link!!
Win-Win for everyone?
Affiliate marketing is always a Win-Win for everybody involved. It's a win for the company because the company that has now acquired a customer or say all that they previously would never gone if it wasn't for you!!
It's a win for you because you can earn money and a commission with doing very little effort because you don't have to come up with the idea, you don't have to take the risk you didn't have to invent something, you didn't have to be the expert, you don't have to spend all the time the money the crate all the marketing, the website all that sort of stuff and you get you know you easily get paid just by leveraging you know your subscribers are followers are Lister traffic.
It's a win for the customer because the customer now gets to benefit from the product or service they get a benefit and hopefully, the product solves a problem or need that help them out in some way.
Basically what it is partnering your joint venturing with other businesses and companies its incredible thing and your whole job as an affiliate is to, make your whole focus on getting traffic, getting visitors, getting subscribers.
Right?... And you know is it you only have to focus on that to start with and you know eventually if you choose, you can create your own products if you want your own services but I feel that affiliate marketing is just a great way to get started because you don't have to take any of the risks and you know, creating a business and creating a product or an idea is very risky and it might fail, it might not work out, it might cost you a lot of money, a lot of time. So, you could have customer support, It is a lot of overhead and expenses that are involved with that.
Whereas if instead, starting with affiliate marketing is a great tool.