1. “I haven't heard back from you”
Know… is might sound very normal and a lot of people use it. But the thing is when you ask that question, your prospect knows why you have not heard from him over because they don't want you to contact them. So if they already know it then why do you say something like that?
When do you bring that up automatically creates resistance between you and the prospect so don't use that word when you contact your prospect. Especially the ones who have not convert in the past.
So don't embarrass them instead add value to what they do, add value to what they do and when you make a contact when you do a touchpoint always offer something. Don't make them feel guilty. Rather, offer something off and then when they all ready to do business with you they'll be like
this person has been staying in touch with me for a long time. So, of course, I want to do business with this person. it's a no brainer now.
2. Individual.
It is a very cold institutional world. It's very cold. I know you are a busy individual, I know you're a very successful individual. You see, how it's? Do you talk to friends that way?
That's not how you talk to people that you care right?
It's institutional and it's a very cold phase, so don't use it use more casual conversation the words.
3. We are better than…
We are better than our competitors, we are better than ABC company, we are better than him, we do better than her or him….nope! Never ever put down your competitive, because the minute you do that you might think. Well, we are better.
We provide better service, we provide better product even though that might be true, even that's a fact you don't want to say it. Because your prospect is thinking, of course, you say that this you want to close the sale, you want to make the commission. So… even though it is true you don't want to say it you want your prospect to come to their own conclusions.
So never put down competitor rather always praise the competitor.
When someone tells me “well you know, what makes you better than ABC competitor?” I always reply, “Okay ABC the day they're good people, have you ever talked to them? Okay, and what's stopping you from going with them?
You see? I don't have to put them down.
Listen, there's a reason why the prospect is on the phone with you even up to this point, it means he is she has not made the decision that's why the on the phone with you. Otherwise, they would have gone with them already, they have not made a decision to not pull the trigger it means that they're still looking you up there on the phone with them.
So you should understand the problems and you can solve their problems better than whoever your competitors are.
OK, so those were the words that you should avoid in your sale and if you haven’t checked our another blog on “The words to avoid in a sale (part 1)” then check that out. Until next time… take care and be in the beautiful path of business.